Ashlyn McCoy
Preschool & Rec Coach
Fun Facts about Coach Ashlyn!
Favorite Color: Pink and Gold
Favorite Sports Team: OU
Favorite Snack: Chocolate or something salty
Favorite Restaurant: Senor Salsa (in Skiatook)
Favorite Store: Target or any clothing store
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Hobby: Gymnastics & Photography (and listening to Taylor Swift)
Favorite Scent: Vanilla or anything seasonal
Favorite Food: Anything Potato
Favorite Flower/ Plant: Roses & Succulents
Favorite Drink: Water, Sweet Tea or Lemonade
Favorite Event: Floor
Coach Faith says, "I'm happiest when I take photos, hang out with friends and family or watching/doing gymnastics!" She enjoys taking photos, spending time with family or listening to music in her free time.
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